Caruna – The Utility Company of Tomorrow offers a dynamic range of services


The Utility Company of Tomorrow offers a dynamic range of services to power the energy transition

Caruna is an electricity network company and a pioneer in the energy transition. The evolving energy system, covering for example household solar power production, electric vehicle charging stations, and the electrification of district heating, requires network companies to innovate. At the same time, utility companies must continuously develop their service offering.

In 2017, Caruna implemented the customer information system EnerimCIS to support its customer service. The collaboration includes not only the maintenance and support of the system but also ongoing dialogue about how the systems can meet new future requirements and market changes.

“Digitalization is one of the key means of efficiency, enabling more efficient utilization of the electricity network infrastructure and better services for customers. The operational conditions of a network company, including ICT systems, must be in order to ensure reliable and reasonably priced electricity delivery to customers. The flexibility and modularity of the EnerimCIS system have enabled the adoption of new capabilities,” says Helena Saarinen from Caruna.

As volumes grow, the high degree of automation and real-time operation of the modern customer information system streamline the company’s billing processes and connect end-users to real-time processes through comprehensive interfaces.

“It is important that the customer information system enables new services, as the utility company of the future not only transfers electricity but also gives customers the chance to contribute to the development of a green energy system.”